Employing the enemy: The Story of Palestinian labourers on Israeli settlements

Publisher: Zed Books
Published Date: July 2017
ISBN-13: 978-178360994
Thousands of Palestinians, including children, are building and working on illegal Israeli settlements. Their bitter toil entails a daily rejection of their rights and subjects them to dangerous working conditions.
Employing the Enemy is a deeply moving narrative that paints a faithful portrait of these workers and their families. Matthew Vickery explores not only the rationale, emotions and consequences of such employment but also why and how people collude with their own oppression. In doing so he draws attention to a previously neglected aspect of the Palestinian experience, exposing these practices as a new, insidious form of state-sponsored forced labour.
Reviewed by: Mustafa Fatih Yavuz
For those who research and discuss the Palestine-Israel conflict they will find that even the most detailed topics have been researched well. Nevertheless, such topics as the two-state solution, security issues, Jerusalem’s status and even Palestinian refugees reflect elite discussions that do not mention those who are at the periphery of...