Ten days in gaza

Ten days in gaza
Publisher: Hood Hood Books Ltd
Published Date: May 2024
ISBN-13: 978-1399977944

In 2010, in the aftermath of the Israeli military action ‘Operation Cast Lead’, three photographers – Giuseppe Aquili, Anthony Dawton and Jim Mcfarlane – were invited by Save the Children to visit Gaza to document the damage and destruction inflicted on the children of this small Palestinian exclave. The news photographers and journalists of the world’s media had long left and Aquili, Dawton and McFarlane were able to spend time meeting with the children and their families to learn about and document their situation. What they saw surprised them. They witnessed widespread devastation but instead of despondency and resignation, they saw a human story of dignity under adversity, hope rather than despair. The events of late 2023 brought that trip to Gaza back into sharp focus. The photographers recognised that what they witnessed in 2010 was part of a cycle of damage, destruction and death that seemed to be repeating itself again. Aquili, Dawton and McFarlane remembered the people they met and photographed in 2010 and felt that their story was still relevant and needed to be told. Ten Days in Gaza is a tribute to the Palestinian struggle for survival and liberation in the face of the endless ordeal of Israeli occupation. This stunning collection of photographs tells a story that is often buried in western media coverage; the story of the Palestinian people as individuals with hopes and dreams. Their lives are shattered on a daily basis. They are impoverished, starving and suffering, but their spirit remains strong, as does their will to resist and survive. This book contains 128 black & white and 12 colour photographs from the 2010 trip. It also contains 15 digital artworks created by the artist Dia al-Azzawi as part of an exhibition collaboration during 2011. The foreword is written especially for the book by the UK based Palestinian consultant surgeon Mr Khaled Dawas who has been working in Gaza during the present conflict, only returning to London in January 2024.

Winners of the Palestine Book Awards

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  • Imagining Palestine: Cultures of Exile and National Identity
  • Transnational Palestine: Migration and the Right of Return before 1948
  • Among the Almond Trees: A Palestinian Memoir
  • Things You May Find Hidden in My Ear: Poems from Gaza
  • Tolerance Is a Wasteland: Palestine and the Culture of Denial
  • Reclaiming Humanity in Palestinian Hunger Strikes : Revolutionary Subjectivity and Decolonizing the Body
  • Psychoanalysis under occupation: practicing resistance in Palestine
  • Power born of dreams: my story is palestine
  • Al-Haq: A Global History of the First Palestinian Human Rights Organization
  • Sambac Beneath Unlikely Skies
  • Places of Mind: A life of Edward Said
  • Except for Palestine: The limits of progressive politics
  • A history of Palestinian Islamic Jihad: Faith, awareness, and revolution in the middle east
  • Wondrous Journeys in Strange Lands
  • Against the Loveless World
  • The Hundred Years' War on Palestine: A History of Settler Colonialism and Resistance, 1917–2017
  • Life in a Country Album
  •  There Where You Are Not