In this story, Salim loses his soccer ball and embarks on a journey across his beautiful village in Palestine, learning lessons from members of his community along the way. Written in rhyme, this lyrical and insightful tale will be enjoyed by...
The concluding novel in a trilogy that has become a landmark of Palestinian fiction.
An Old Carriage with Curtains is the third and final book in a masterful trilogy of novels encompassing the history of the people of the Palestinian village...
The perimeter around the occupied Gaza Strip is formed by a sophisticated system of fences, forts and surveillance technologies. With each Israeli incursion, a military no-go area, or a 'buffer zone', is established along Gaza's 'borders',...
Five-year-old Milad Salama is excited for a school trip to a theme park on the outskirts of Jerusalem. On the way, his bus collides with a semitrailer. His father, Abed, gets word of the crash and rushes to the site. The scene is chaos—the...
Palestinian writing imagines the nation, not as a nation-in-waiting but as a living, changing structure that joins people, place, and time into a distinct set of formations. Novel Palestine examines these imaginative structures so that we might...
A highly anticipated edition of Zaqtan’s work from 2014 to 2020, all in English for the first time.Ghassan Zaqtan is not only one of the most significant Palestinian poets at work today, but one of the most important poets writing in Arabic....
A new history of the American Jewish relationship with Israel focused on its most urgent and sensitive issue: the question of Palestinian rights.
American Jews began debating Palestinian rights issues even before Israel’s founding in 1948....
Noor is excited to discover she will be returning home to Palestine.
Noor has always dreamt of going back home one day.
But that night, Noor feels nervous. Will home ever be the same?
Where in the world does Noor belong?
The third outing...
Christa’s journey of curiosity to Jerusalem and Gaza while studying abroad in her father’s homeland of Germany at the tail end of the Cold War opens up a world of joy and heartache that transforms into a lifetime pursuit to make a...
"An immersive feminist novel that meshes the personal and political to moving effect" Preti Taneja, Financial Times"A brilliant novel of the Palestinian diaspora. Funny and gritty, and bursting with life and humour" Ahdaf...