Weaponising anti-semitism: How the Israel Lobby Brought Down Jeremy Corbyn

Weaponising anti-semitism: how the israel lobby brought down jeremy corbyn
Publisher: Or Books
Published Date: January 2023
ISBN-13: 9781682193822

Meticulously researched while reading like a fast-paced thriller, this explosive new book details the way the Israel lobby deployed charges of anti-Semitism to destroy Jeremy Corbyn’s bid for power as leader of the Labour Party.

In an electrifying account, investigative journalist Asa Winstanley shows how Labour’s anti-Semitism crisis was manufactured by pro-Israel groups. Despised and feared by Israel and its allies because of his long-standing support for the Palestine solidarity movement, Jeremy Corbyn became a target of enemies determined to abort his left-wing project.

Drawing on new interviews with many of those victimised in purges the Labour leadership claimed were necessary to tackle anti-Semitism, Winstanley exposes a plot by the Israel lobby, in alliance with the Labour right and Israeli and British intelligence agencies, to prevent a socialist entering Downing Street.

An essential historical corrective, Weaponising Anti-Semitism shines light into the murkiest corners of the British state and those who work with it.


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