December 2008. The deadly Israeli assault on Gaza, lasting three weeks as the Strip was invaded by land, sea and air known as Operation Cast Lead sets the theme in John Wight's novel as he explores two different individuals on each side of the...
In the summer of 2011 award-winning Canadian filmmaker and photographer Afzal Huda was given a map depicting areas in Palestine most affected by the Apartheid Wall. Huda spent three weeks capturing life in what has now become an "open-air prison",...
After the fatal shooting of Zionist fighter Avraham Stern the Jewish community in Mandate Palestine is split between those who believe they need British help to build their new country and those who believe the British are standing in their way....
This book is part of a large series covering a wide range of topics, but it is the first in the Oxford University Press' "Very Short Introduction" collection to address the question of Palestine-Israel. Responsibility for the task was given to...
Ilan Pappé makes a succinct statement in the introduction to his latest book: "Indeed, Israel is one of a few states considered by many to be at best morally suspect or at worst illegitimate. What is challenged, with varying degrees of conviction...
Palestinian writer Rabai Al-Madhoun was born in Al-Majdal, Ashkelon in 1945. Along with his parents he was displaced during the 1948 ethnic cleansing of their homeland and spent his childhood in the Khan Younis Palestinian refugee camp in the Gaza...
A number of books have now been published in light of the so-called "Arab Spring", covering different aspects of the uprisings that took place across the Middle East since late 2010. Adam Hanieh's book is distinctive, and a must-read. Lineages of...