
Tania Tamari Nasir

Tania Tamari Nasir is a writer, literary translator, and classical singer (soprano). She has an extensive experience in the documentation, preservation, and development of the Palestinian cultural heritage.

Tareq Baconi

Tareq Baconi is a Visiting Scholar at Columbia University's Middle East Institute and a Visiting Fellow at the European Council on Foreign Relations. He received his PhD from Kings College London. His writings have appeared in The...

Tariq Dana is Associate Professor of Conflict and Humanitarian Studies at the Doha Institute for Graduate Studies, Qatar. He serves as Associate Editor of Middle East Critique. He is a policy advisor for Al-Shabaka: The Palestinian Policy Network....

Tawfiq Zayyad

Tawfiq Zayyad (1929-1994) was a Palestinian poet, a member of the Knesset and the elected mayor of Nazareth from 1975-1994. As a leader of the Israeli Communist Party, he represented both Jewish and Arab working-class communities, and was the...

Teresa Aranguren

Teresa Aranguren is a journalist based in Spain. In 1982, she covered the Israeli invasion of Lebanon as a correspondent for Mundo Obrero (Workers World), has worked for a number of Spanish publications, covering the Israel-Palestine conflict, and...

Thomas Suarez

Thomas Suarez is a London-based historical researcher as well as a professional Juilliard-trained violinist and composer. A former West Bank resident, he devoted several years to researching poorly-tapped and newly-declassified historical archives...

Timothy Brennan

Timothy Brennan is the Samuel Russell Chair in the Humanities at the University of Minnesota. His writing has appeared in The Nation, the TLS, and the LRB. He has received fellowships from the Fulbright Foundation and the National...

Timothy Seidel

Timothy Seidel is Assistant Professor in the Department of Applied Social Sciences and the Center for Justice and Peacebuilding, Eastern Mennonite University, USA 

Timothy Seidel is Assistant Professor in the Department of Applied Social Sciences and the Center for Justice and Peacebuilding, Eastern Mennonite University, USA.  

Tom Sperlinger

Tom Sperlinger is Reader in English Literature and Community Engagement at the University of Bristol, where he teaches principally in adult education. In 2013, he was a Visiting Professor at Al-Quds University. He has written for The Guardian, the...