Ahmed Masoud

Ahmed Masoud is the author of the acclaimed novel Vanished: The Mysterious Disappearance of Mustafa Ouda. Ahmed is a writer and director who grew up in Palestine and moved to the UK in 2002. In 2019, he worked with Maxine Peake on bliterated, a theatrical experiment and artistic protest - you can find a small piece on Youtube.
Ahmed's Theatre and Radio Drama credits include: Application 39 (WDR Radio, Germany 2018) Camouflage (London 2017), The Shroud Maker (London 2015 - still touring), Walaa, Loyalty (London 2014, funded by the Arts Council England), Escape from Gaza (BBC Radio 4 2011). Ahmed is the founder of Al Zaytouna Dance Theatre (2005 - 2013) where wrote and directed many productions with subsequent tours in the UK and Europe, including Unto the Breach (London and Vienna 2012) Between the Fleeting Words (London, Zurich, Freiburg, Ljubljana, Madrid 2010 - 2012). Ila Haif (London, Freiburg 2008-2010) Hassad (London 2007- 2008).
After finishing his PhD research, Ahmed published many journals and articles including a chapter in the Britain and Muslim World: A Historical Perspective (Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2011). Most recently, Ahmed launched his new artistic initiative called PalArt Collective. For more information, please see www.ahmedmasoud.co.uk