Jean-Pierre Filiu

Jean-Pierre Filiu is professor of Middle East Studies at Sciences Po, Paris School of International Affairs (PSIA). He has held visiting professorships both at Columbia and Georgetown. Hurst (London) and Oxford University Press (New-York) have published his “Gaza, a history”, a Guardian book of the year 2014, along with “The Arab revolution” and “From Deep State to Islamic State”. His “Apocalypse in Islam” (University of California Press) was awarded the main prize by the French History Convention in 2008. The French daily “Le Monde” considers him “one of the best world experts on jihadism”. His researches on the Arab world have been published in a dozen languages. He also wrote the script of a graphic novel depicting the history of America in the Middle East, « Best of enemies » (two volumes at Self Made Hero). Before joining academia, Filiu was a career-diplomat from 1988 to 2006, serving as an adviser to the Prime minister (2000-02), to the minister of Defense (1991-93) and to the minister of Interior (1990-91), also being posted as DCM both in Damascus (1996-99) and Tunis (2002-06).