Mohammed Massoud Morsi

Mohammed Massoud Morsi is an Egyptian writer who was born in 1975. He grew up in Copenhagen and has since travelled the world twice over. After working as a photojournalist for almost two decades, he turned to writing and took a turn in life, settling in Australia where he dedicates his time to teachings of photography and writing. Besides poetry, picture books, short novels, his countless articles and features have received much recognition. Mohammed Massoud Morsi is known for being outspoken about colonialism and the struggle of the Palestinian people for justice, establishing the emphasis on the solution and possibilities, the hopes and the dreams of normal people, instead of the often misunderstood and misplaced political aspirations of both sides. Besides the photography and the writing, the activist work, he has also led many creative workshops for teenagers and adults and continues to challenge audiences in talks about journalism and what it takes write a meaningful story.