Friends of Israel provides a forensically researched account of the activities of Israel's advocates in Britain, showing how they contribute to maintaining Israeli apartheid. The book traces the history and changing fortunes of key actors within...
"The Little King Takes Back his Kingdom" retells the tale of Nakba and explores themes of refugees and Right of Return. Through poetic motif, the book delicately portrays the profound relationship between a child and their first home. The...
Settling Nature draws on more than a decade of ethnographic fieldwork to document how the administration of nature in Palestine-Israel advances the Zionist project of Jewish settlement alongside the corresponding dispossession of non-Jews from...
Fady Joudah (Translator), Maya Abu Al-Hayyat (author)
Finalist for the 2022 National Book Critics Circle Award in Translation.
Translated from the Arabic and introduced by Fady Joudah, You Can Be the Last Leaf draws on two decades of...
This monograph analyzes how Palestinian grassroots activists, popular resistance committees (PRCs), and popular resistance networks (PRNs) secured, managed, and used material and non-material resources to wage sustained and successful nonviolent...
Fady Joudah (Translator), Hussein Barghouthi (author)
Hussein Barghouthi tells his story with Bari, a Turkish American Sufi, during Barghouthi’s years as a graduate student at the University of Washington in the late 1980s. The...
Focusing on the geopolitical complexity of Israel–Palestine and the dramatic changes it has experienced during the past century, The Common Camp explores the region’s extensive networks of camps and their existence as both a tool of...
Aziz Shehadeh was many things: lawyer, activist, and political detainee, he was also the father of bestselling author and activist Raja. In this new and searingly personal memoir, Raja Shehadeh unpicks the snags and complexities of their...
This publication is the first major transnational examination of prison hunger strikes. While focusing on Palestine, the research is enriched by extensive interviews and conversations with South African, Kurdish, Irish, and British ex-prisoners...
William Tamplin (Translator), Jabra Ibrahim Jabra (author)
Jabra’s debut novel, first published in 1955 and called by Edward Said “one of the principal successes of Arabic artistic prose and drama,” introduced stream...