Jeremy Wildeman

Jeremy Wildeman

Jeremy Wildeman, PhD (Exeter), was raised in Treaty 6/Saskatchewan. He is a Fellow at the Human Rights Research and Education Centre at the University of Ottawa and an adjunct professor of Middle East politics. His research includes comparative analysis of Western donor development programming toward the Palestinians, and Canada’s historical and contemporary relationship with the Middle East. He wrote his doctoral thesis on Canada’s foreign aid in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, after a decade working in the region. He is the author of numerous peer-reviewed papers on Middle East politics, and co-guest edited a special issue Canadian Foreign Policy Journal, “What Lies Ahead: Canada’s Engagement with the Middle East Peace Process and the Palestinians” (2021), since reprinted as a Routledge book (2021). He has contributed opinion pieces about global, Canadian, and Middle East politics in TRT World, BBC Arabic, TheHill, Foreign Policy, Al-Jazeera, Middle East Eye, CBC and TheConversation, among others.