Prof. Dr. Zekeriya Kurşun

He is the dean of Fatih Sultan Mehmet Foundation University Faculty of Letters. More than thirty years of teaching at Marmara University; He served as executive and board member at various levels. He made research studies and observations in the archives of Arab and European countries on the Arab geography of the Ottoman period, the recent political history of the Middle East, Turkish-Arab relations and North Africa. Today, he continues his studies on these issues. Yol Ayrımında Türk-Arap İlişkileri (İrfan Yayınevi, 1992), Necid ve Ahsa’da Osmanlı Hakimiyeti: Vehhabi Hareketi ve Suud Devleti’nin Ortaya Çıkışı (Türk Tarih Kurumu Yayınları, 1998), Basra Körfezi’nde Osmanlı – İngiliz Çekişmesi: Katar’da Osmanlılar 1871-1916 (Türk Tarih Kurumu Yayınları, 2004). He also has books in English and Arabic and many collaborations. He teaches undergraduate and graduate courses at Yeditepe University. He advised Marmara University Institute of Turkic Studies, Marmara University Middle East and Islamic Studies Institute Political History and International Relations department and many Master and PhD theses at Yeditepe University. He took part in many scientific projects. His articles and articles were published in scientific and popular journals. He was a member of the General Staff Military History Commission and a correspondent of the Turkish Historical Society. He is currently the president of the Association of Researchers on the Middle East and Africa (ORDAF), of which he is the founder.